What is the cause for the degradation of environment?
Capitalism, corruption, consuming society? - OVERPOPULATION!
Please, save the Planet - kill yourself...

Friday, October 15, 2010

1 billion of roubles for the land assessment

1,17 - more precise value. Yea, baby! What about to gain some money?! Here you can find a contract conditions. Of course the price is so high for the reason, or a couple of them, but let's start step by step.

The obvious reason of the price is a number of lands to assess. I can't even imagine how many of them there are in 83(!!!) subjects of the Russian Federation... and there are additional conditions about some maps, etc. So not every cadastral company will even think for the moment to try to get the job. From this point we are very close to the second reason.

Actually, there are only 2 companies, which are potentially able do get this titanic job done. The first is VISHAGI and the second is FCC "The Land". Now it is more simple to guess who will hit the jackpot. Chances are 50%/50%, but I bet, FCC "The Land" will take the upper hand. Why? Ok, I have some information from the inside. VISHAGI do not like to play "Sharing is Caring Russian style", and FCC "The Land" is well known for determination of amounts and targets of  the kickbacks in advance. Nuff said.

This contest is for the only one player and the countless pockets of the bastards from the ROSREESTR. We'll see if I’m a good seer.

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